Innovative Strategien und Prozesse, die auf die Anforderungen von Vertriebsentscheidern ausgerichtet sind, stehen auch in diesem Jahr bei BRCG im Fokus. Aus der Entwicklung neuer Methoden in den Bereichen Analytics und Sales ergeben sich drei spannende...
Die folgende Situation kommt Ihnen womöglich bekannt vor: Vor kurzem berichtete uns ein Vertriebsvorstand eines renommierten Dienstleistungsunternehmens, er habe von seinem Vorgänger drei CRM-Systeme im Schrank gefunden. Das Besondere:Zwei davon wurden zwar beschafft,...
Despite the diverse use of CRM tools in a wide range of industries, a phenomenon can be observed that affects a large proportion of companies. The potential of customer relationship management systems is not being exploited and that, despite the selection...
The Crisis of CRM Systems
Digital Excellence or Data Graveyard?
Part 2: "Data Gap" instead of Market Overview
"We know our market". You often hear these statements from sales decision-makers. But how realistic is this and do sales managers really have a good overview of their target groups? Unlikely, considering that a real knowledge of the...
Nowadays, CRM systems are used almost everywhere and it is impossible to imagine practice without them. Despite high investments, however, the results of many CRM projects are often disappointing. Real success with regard to data analytics...
Our economy is in a constant state of change. Advancing digitalization, the Corona pandemic and the current energy crisis require flexibility in entrepreneurship. Those who react quickly and adequately have a clear advantage and realize that every...
"Trade shows are coming back, but not like they used to". This was the prediction made by the BRCG in its September 2021 article, "The Future of Trade Shows." Reasons for the assumed long-term changes were, besides and with the main factor, the Corona pandemic,...
Identifying business potentials of customers and prospects at an early stage is an endeavor that is continuously increasing, especially among entrepreneurs and sales decision-makers.Especially in the B2B environment, the rapid identification of emerging customer needs turns out to be...
In times of digital transformation of marketing and sales processes, it is essential to recognize trends and currents in the market at an early stage in order to adequately align one's business with changes and to take advantage of emerging opportunities. But what...
Business growth has always been a driver of corporate value and the focus of investors. In the age of shareholder value and the increasing importance of digital business models, the significance of the growth rate of companies is...