BRCG – Scale up your Business!
Focusing on high-tech, industrial and service markets, we support entrepreneurs and sales decision-makers who want to achieve ambitious growth targets.
About Us
BRCG - Your partner for the sales of the future
BRCG as "business accelerator" in the age of digitalization is sales expert and partner in implementation at the same time. 20 years of experience and stand-alone methods revolutionize market development processes and enable to conquer markets faster and more systematically as well as to win customers and partners.
Automation, in-house developed analytics with AI, end-to-end data-driven sales processes and an "end-to-end service package" from market analysis to customer appointment accelerate your market success and company value!
About Us
With passion and competence, BRCG has been developing and operating innovative solutions and processes for the marketing of new technologies, plants, systems and services for more than 20 years.
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With modern systematic and intelligent methods BRCG opens a new dimension of marketing for its customers.
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Sectors and Customer Examples
BRCG has many years of experience from working with leading international corporations, medium-sized companies to start-ups.
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We offer exciting future-oriented tasks and look forward to getting in touch with you!
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BRCG-Trends Aktuell
Diese Themen erwarten Sie
Innovative Strategien und Prozesse, die auf die Anforderungen von Vertriebsentscheidern ausgerichtet sind, stehen auch in diesem Jahr bei BRCG im Fokus. Aus der Entwicklung neuer Methoden in den Bereichen Analytics und Sales ergeben sich drei spannende...
The crisis of CRM systems
Digital Excellence oder Datenfriedhof?
Teil 4: Ohne definierten Vertriebsprozess kein CRM-Erfolg!
Die folgende Situation kommt Ihnen womöglich bekannt vor: Vor kurzem berichtete uns ein Vertriebsvorstand eines renommierten Dienstleistungsunternehmens, er habe von seinem Vorgänger drei CRM-Systeme im Schrank gefunden. Das Besondere:Zwei davon wurden zwar beschafft,...
BRCG as a "business accelerator" in the age of digitalization
Sales expert and partner in implementation at the same time
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Our customers
Financial service
Nowhere are there more indirect sales organizations than in the financial services sector. More than 200,000 individuals and organizations are registered in the various fields of activity covered by §34 GewO.
The successful partner of the past is no longer automatically the partner of the future!
Health / Health market
The healthcare market is the largest single market in Germany. This applies to both the total sales generated and the number of market participants.
In this market complexity, previous analysis, planning and control methods for market development and sales have reached their limits.
Germany is the land of innovations. Products, solutions, plants and systems are developed with technological avant-garde and a high degree of innovation.
It is striking that the "technical mindset" often dominates marketing activities.
The German economy is extremely diverse. Invstement Products an Systems (B2B) are used and processed in a wide variety of industries and business processes. New competitors are intensifying the competitive pressure.
A complex task for the sales department.
Investment (Venture Capital)
Germany is the country of innovative medium-sized companies and home to the so-called hidden champions. German companies are the focus of national and international investors.
Private and public investment companies have plenty of capital for investments - pressure to find the right candidates for investment.
Site marketing
The settlement of promising companies is one of the most important tasks of national, regional and municipal economic development in Germany and abroad. German companies are in great demand, both at home and abroad.
They are considered to be highly competitive, predictable and comparatively loyal to their location.
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